- There are many ways in which we can define the term _Ai_.
- The most important thing is how do we define it.
- We can say it is acting humanly.
- We can also say thinking humanly. But Think again coincides with [Turings paper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Computing_Machinery_and_Intelligence)
**Def:** A machine that can think and act humanly and rationally.
- _Maximally achieving pre-defined goals_
- We can make the machine think rationally and act rationally.
- Here we can define goals as **Utilities**.
- The world know as **State Space** is so *uncertain*.
- Beging rational means _maximizing expected utility_.
- Human Brains are complex and we can't make machines that complex.
- Turing paper
- checkers game ( Probably the first AI paper)
- Knowledge Based Approaches
- Statistic Based Approaches
- The **Main** Guy.
- It is an entity that perceves the environment via sensors and acts via actuators (_lame uni def_)
- As we are taking about **Rational Agent**, there are 3 aspects that are needed to be considered for the _actions_ of the rational agent
- **PAGE (Percepts, Actions, Goal Test and Environment)**
- The Above three characteristics are important for the action of the agent.
Deterministic => Everything is fully obervable and we know the next state
Non - Deterministic => Either not fully observable or non - Deterministic (Uncertain enviromnment) => For a action there might be multiple outcomes
Stochastic => where outcome of a action is not predictable. => for a action there are multiple outcomes but each outcome has a probablility.
Episodic => where agent experience is divided into episodes and in each episode it has different parameters.
Sequencial => Where Current action can effect the future action.
Static, Dynamic and Semi - Dynamic
Descrete, Continuous, Know and Unknown
- **Simple Reflex Agents**
- No History just take percept and do Action.
- The most basic that we can make.
- **Model Based Agents**
- This one holds some internal state and has some histroy **Internal State** about the previous state
- Based on the Previous states it makes a model an the state space and try to take actions.
- **Goal Based Agnents**
- We we only know the past that is use less so we need to have a goal so we introduce a **Goal Test**
- It will compare the actions which are sutable for goal test.
- It will try to pick a action that will lead to goal state
- **Uitility Based agents**
- It will check if this action is the most optomal action or not (**Performance Measure**)
- Atomic => Its like nodes.
- Factored =>
- Structured =>
- Here the environment is known and deterministic.
- The Process of looking for sequence of actions that reaches the goal is called **Search**.
- A **State** is a physical configuration
- A **Node** is a data Structure that consists of _parent, child, depth, path cost_ etc..
- A State does not have the above.
- Strategies are evaluated based on the below four configurations
- Completeness => Does it always find a solution if one exits?
- Time Complexity => No of nodes Generated or expanded
- Space Complexity => Maximum no of nodes in memory
- Optimality => Does it always find a least cost.
- The and space complexities are measured in
- _b_ -> Maximum Branching Factor
- _d_ -> depth of least cost solution
- _m_ -> Maximum depth of State Space
- Uninformed
- Informed
- **Expand Each and Every Node From left to right**
- Complete => if _b_ is finite.
- Time Complexity => _1 + b + b^2 + b^3... = O(b^d)_
- Space Complexity => _O(b^d)_ Puts every node in memory
- Optimal => Not so optimal.
- **Expand Least Unexpanded Node (path Cost)**
- In this we consider the entire path cost of nodes like if 5 is expanded then 5+6 , 5+10 etcc . We need to add in such way.
- After finding the goal state we back track to the initial state for the path.
- Complete => Yes
- Optimal => Yes
- **Just go Expanding a depth**
- Here a Loop is possible so we need to eliminate that (What shoud I use?).
- Complete => Hell no
- Time Complexcity => _O(b^m)_ not so optimal.
- Space Complexcity => _O(bm)_ linear space
- Optimal => Hell Noooo
- It is Depth first Search with a depth limit _l_
- Time Complexity => _O(b^l)_
- Space Complexity => _O(bl)_
- Optimal => I would Say not if _l>d_
- Here we Change the limit for every iteration.
- Complete => Yes
- Time Complexity => _O(b^d)_
- Space Complexity => _O(bd)_
- Optimal => Yes, if Step Cost = 1
- Here we will start from initial state and final state and they meet in the middle.
- Here we use **BFS** in the bidirectinal Search
- Complete => Yes, if b is finite in both directions.
- Time Complexity => _O(b^d/2)_
- Space Complexcity => _O(B^d/2)_
- Optimal => Yes, If Step costs are identical.
- Tree Based -> Has no Explored node
- Graph Based -> Has a explored set
- Here we will have a hueristic => That estimates how close a state is to a goal state.
- Picks up the shortet node in the given nodes
- Has a priority queue in th descending order.
- Has some _f(n)_ function (Huristic)
- This can be called as Greedy Best First as it **doesn't** consider the path cost and only heurestic.
- It is fast just direclty to the goal state.
- Complete => No, Might get Stuck in loops
- Time => _O(b^m)_
- Space => _O(b^m)_
- Optimal => No
- Here it considers both path cost and hurestic => _f(n) = g(n) + h(n)_
- Here it might not give the optimal solution every time.
- Its is optimal only when _h(n)_ is admissable i.e it does not over estimate the cost to reach goal.
- To find a optimal solution we need to have the heurstic < the actual cost.
- A* is optimal with tree search if h(n) is admissible; A* is optimal with graph search if h(n) is consistent.
- Complete => Yes, unless f < f(G) => f -> countor | lemma
- Time => Exponential
- Space => Keeps all modes
- Optimal => Yes.
- There is someting called **path max** where take the maximum of f so that the countore is not decreasing.
- _f(n') = max{g(n') + h(n'), f(n)}_
- Two types of heuristics
- Number of mispalced tiles(h1)
- Total Manhatten Distance(h2)
- Here h2 is better because it generate less nodes. Only if you can move to the ajacent square
- What if you can move to any square then h1 is the best.